Genetic Moo will be speaking at The Lumen Symposium on Thursday 20 March at Chelsea College of Arts.
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We brought the Silent Signal artists and scientists together for the second time at a roundtable meeting in January 2014.
Eric Schockmel’s 3D animated journey around a world of synthetic life forms, Macrostructure, is screening at two exciting international festivals.
by Dr Kathryn Harkup, January 2014. “Visualising a process is often an import part of understanding. The processes under scientific investigation are often invisible to the naked eye.”
by Heather Barnett, January 2014. “At the time of writing the projects are at an embryonic stage, with final outcomes some way off. Yet already, valuable insights are apparent.”
We have been developing methods of working directly with Dr Paddy Brock’s infectious disease transmission models (produced using statistical computing), to drive a dynamic real-time landscape in a game engine….
Professor Peter Oliver and I have met in person and use an online continual feedback method, uploading work in progress to Google Docs or Pinterest, enabling the other person to…
The project is developing both conceptually and in terms of our understanding of the science. We have focused on a simple inflammation and have been discussing which parts to include…
The Loop project is progressing well, with two visits to Dr Serge Mostowy’s lab at Imperial College London on 7 and 21 November, and good communication links have been established…
Here is a short video I made demonstrating the symbols that outline some of the functions, states, or actions of cells or cell cultures in my fictional video game universe….