The project is developing both conceptually and in terms of our understanding of the science. We have focused on a simple inflammation and have been discussing which parts to include…
The Loop project is progressing well, with two visits to Dr Serge Mostowy’s lab at Imperial College London on 7 and 21 November, and good communication links have been established…
Here is a short video I made demonstrating the symbols that outline some of the functions, states, or actions of cells or cell cultures in my fictional video game universe….
Since the initial proposal I have made two visits to Dr Darren Logan at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. On the first visit I gathered information from all aspects of…
In September 2013 we brought together a group of artists and scientists to gauge what collaborations could potentially be formed for the Silent Signal project. Here, scientific collaborator Bentley Crudgington…
We are delighted to be working with six UK based artists on developing Silent Signal. We initially brought together a group of artists and scientists at a lab afternoon to…