Hear from the six collaborative pairs on the process behind making their animated artworks. Filmed in October 2015. Watch the interviews on Vimeo.
Hear from our six scientists about their research and what their role really entails. Filmed in October 2015. Watch the interviews on Vimeo.
We spoke to boredomresearch about how they are employing mathematical modelling and real-time animation in developing Afterglow.
Ellie Land describes the process of developing Sleepless with Professor Peter Oliver.
Genetic Moo tells us of how they intend to bring the inflammation process to life.
Samantha Moore shares her experience of visiting Dr Serge Mostowy’s lab in the development of Loop.
Eric Schockmel talks about how he finds collaborating with scientist Dr Megan MacLeod to bring scientific research into the realms of science fiction.
We discussed with Charlie Tweed the future implications of behaviour research based on the technologies being employed at the Sanger Institute.
Dr Paddy Brock tells us about modelling disease transmission with artists boredomresearch.
We asked Dr Dufton about the process of collaborating with artists Genetic Moo on communicating inflammation in The Battle of Blister.