- AfterGlow: Development sketch exploring spatial mapping of a mathematical model over a fictional landscape.
- AfterGlow: Development aggregation model exploring population centre distributions.
We have been developing methods of working directly with Dr Paddy Brock’s infectious disease transmission models (produced using statistical computing), to drive a dynamic real-time landscape in a game engine.
We have worked closely with Paddy to ensure integration of the mathematical models with a generative landscape, maintains a meaningful connection with the underpinning scientific research. During this R&D stage we have been developing a method for creating a spatial description, of human population, which provides an engaging platform on which, the transmission model will be revealed, through real-time animation. Responding to current themes in epidemiology our careful consideration, of spatial aspects, is designed to captivate audiences and encourage new thinking. Of special interest and discussion throughout this period has been the relationship between generalisable mathematical descriptions and specific artistic expressions.
We now need to build on the 2D aggregation model, which expresses the interesting patterns arising from human population – developing this work with a 3D geometric representation of landscape in a game engine. Then by incorporating disease transmission dynamics into this ‘game world’ we will explore and experiment with the spatial characteristics. In parallel to this process, we will be developing the glowing representation which will illuminate the infection scenario in the landscape; considering how this might change over time to communicate the complexities of the underlying transmission model.
boredomresearch, December 2013